Webinar highlights: 

  • Master strategies for successful internal assessment preparation 
  • Formulate an all-encompassing cybersecurity team approach 
  • Optimize efficiency throughout the assessment process 
  • Extract invaluable insights from navigating NIST 800-171 and CMMC compliance 

Drawing from their firsthand experiences, Montrose Environmental offers a unique perspective on the compliance journey as they shed light on the tangible outcomes of their efforts, emphasizing the positive ripple effects of streamlining NIST 800-171 compliance within their existing processes.  

Assessments: Not Just a Metric, but a Mirror   

More than a mere number, the DoD self-assessment score (aka SPRS score) reflects an organization's cybersecurity maturity. For entities within the Defense Industrial Base (DIB), a high SPRS score can be the difference between securing a DoD contract and being left out in the cold. However, achieving this coveted score requires more than just understanding guidelines – it demands a commitment to robust cybersecurity practices and investing in tools like Certification Assistant.  

Self-assessments have never been more critical. With the DoD and prime contractors intensively validating scores, inaccuracies can lead to catastrophic consequences like contract losses and tarnished prime contractor relationships. Ensure your organization stands on solid ground.

Elevate Your Compliance Journey with Exostar's Certification Assistant   

Start a 15-day free trial of Exostar's Certification Assistant, a tool to simplify your NIST SP 800-171 and CMMC compliance journey. With Certification Assistant, you can:  

  • Streamline your CMMC/NIST Basic Assessment   
  • Calculate your SPRS score   
  • Generate your System Security Plan (SSP) with a click   
  • Develop efficient Plans of Action and Milestones (POAMs)   

Start my free 15-day trial

An exemplary score is indispensable in a world where SPRS scores hold immense weight in DoD evaluations. Let the Certification Assistant guide you, offering tools and insights to complete your self-assessment. 

Our Speakers

Kellie Tomeo

26-year attorney - prior criminal prosecutor – federal contracting experience since 2006 – inside counsel for 8(a) firm from 2016-2021 when we were purchased by Montrose Environmental – since 2021, currently Senior Counsel with primary focus on federal work



Kevin Hancock

Kevin Hancock has over 20 years experience in secure collaboration with distributed teams and partners in highly regulated markets. He has led Sales Engineering, Customer Success, and Professional Services Teams across a broad technology spectrum including Agile Development and DevOps tools and practices; Zero Trust Networking; and Identity and Access Management just to name a few. Focusing on driving adoption, managing change, and helping customers learn, Kevin joined Exostar in May 2021 as Director, Sales Engineering.