NIST 800-171 Self-Assessment - Strengthening Cybersecurity and Compliance
This webinar was designed to explain the importance of complying with the NIST 800-171 security requirements, which are crucial for non-federal organizations dealing with Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI). By adhering to these requirements, you not only safeguard your data but also build trustworthy relationships with government agencies and partners.
Ready to Simplify Your NIST 800-171/CMMC Compliance Journey?
We understand that you might want to try before you commit. Certification Assistant will accelerate your compliance efforts and SPRS score calculation. Begin your no-obligation, 15-day trial and discover the benefits of Certification Assistant for your organization.
How Exostar's Certification Assistant Can Streamline Your Self-Assessment Process
Exostar's Certification Assistant is a unique tool that simplifies achieving and maintaining DoD cybersecurity compliance, streamlining your self-assessment process. It offers a secure, cloud-based platform that helps organizations within the defense industrial base. It provides clear explanations and relevant reference content, making it easy for organizations to implement the necessary controls, processes, and practices.
During this webinar, we discussed the following:
- Perform a self-assessment easily: Exostar's Certification Assistant makes it easy to accurately complete NIST 800-171 self-assessments and prepare for third-party certification audits
- Generate SPRS Score, SSP, and POA&Ms: The solution will auto-calculate the Supplier Performance Risk System (SPRS) score and generate System Security Plan (SSP) and Plans of Actions & Milestones (POA&Ms), effectively enhancing your cybersecurity posture and compliance status.
- Secure access: Access to Certification Assistant is managed by the Exostar Managed Access Gateway (MAG), requiring two-factor authentication for login, ensuring enhanced security.
- Collaborative: The platform facilitates effective communication and collaboration with third-party service providers, streamlining the compliance process.